Sunday, February 3, 2008

Pastor Bob DuPar
February 3, 2008

Journal Entry


Exodus 17:8-19:15; Matthew 22:34-23:12; Psalm 27:7-14; Proverbs 6:27-35.


What a picture of teamwork and victory in the image of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ hands so that Joshua and the Israelites could win the battle against the Amalekites.

Jethro was certainly a wise father-in-law and had a wealth of wisdom and good advice. What a great strategy of delegation he passed on to Moses. Yet, the strategy also involved teaching: “Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the way to live and the duties they are to perform.” Good delegation depends upon good instruction and teaching. And, what great criteria for the leaders: “capable men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain.”

What a funny scene in the NT when the Pharisees find out that Jesus put the Sadducees in their place, they choose their best expert in the Law to go head-to-head with the Lord. And, what a predictable and hilarious outcome: “No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask Him any more questions!”

The Pharisees were the worst kind of leaders who tied up “heavy loads and put them on men’s shoulders, while they themselves were not willing to lift a finger to move them.” This is precisely why Jesus said, “Do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.”


I need to realize that my effectiveness as a leader hinges upon the team that I train. Team ministry is definitely most effective seeing how God created us to be interdependent. And, the victory and success is even sweeter when it is owned by a team rather than by one person.

God, please help me to practice and live what I preach. Keep me from weighing people down with burdens and expectations which even I am not willing to live up to.


“God, humility has been a constant theme today between our lesson on John the Baptist and your words in Matthew about the greatest being your servant and the proud being humbled and the humble being exalted. Please help me to live humbly before You and others, trusting that You see my needs and will provide exactly what I need.”


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