Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pastor Bob DuPar
February 14, 2008

Journal Entry


Exodus 37:1-38:31; Matthew 28:1-20; Psalm 34:11-22; Proverbs 9:9-10.


It’s hard to believe that the Israelites lugged all of this stuff through the desert and had to continually set up these huge elaborate tents. Some scholars have questioned whether this happened or whether it is a foreshadowing to the Temple under Solomon. Critics have also wondered how all these things could have been made in the wilderness. I personally don’t see these issues as big concerns. After the miracle of the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea,.. Do we have to explain everything and understand everything in human terms to believe it? I agree with the old adage: God said it (through His Word), I believe it, and that settles it.

The NT account of the resurrection, and particularly the lengths to which the authorities go to hide the Easter miracle, always fascinates me. There are so many problems with the theory that the disciples stole Christ’s body. But perhaps the greatest issue is: If the disciples deliberately and consciously perpetrated a lie, would they all have been willing to die for this lie. And, furthermore, how do you account for their transformation – from fear to courage, from followers to leaders, from men who hid while Christ was arrested to men who were martyred for their faith. Was all this a lie? A conspiracy? I don’t think so.

I love Psalm 34:14, “Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” Sometimes peace does not come easily or quickly. Many times we need to pursue it and be persistent until God blesses us with His peace.


All too often I only believe and trust what I am able to understand or logically explain. This is nothing less than quenching the Spirit and doubting God’s power and ability. I need to look with spiritual eyes and not natural eyes.


“Lord, please increase my faith. Help me to trust You more – to not put limits on Your ability. May I witness great things because I believe in Your power and desire to do amazing things. May I not miss any miracles from lack of faith.”


At February 15, 2008 at 5:37 AM , Blogger jndilbeck said...

As we move in to Mark, His Spirit becomes ever more evident. You are right when you say that we spend a lot of effort quenching the Spirit with our doubts. R.C Sproul is currently teaching about the role of the Spirit in our ability even to say, " Jesus is Lord." We do not give enough Glory to God, but He is the One who gives even the possibility of living the Truth. He is deserving of our praise.


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