Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pastor Bob DuPar
June 25, 2008

Journal Entry


2 Kings 8:1-9:13; Acts 16:16-40; Psalm 143:1-12; Proverbs 17:26.


It must have been hard to be a prophet. Sometimes I have envied their knowledge of future events without considering the emotional burden that goes along with this knowledge. I guess I have viewed prophets as merely messengers, devoid of feelings relating to the consequences of their predictions. But, as we see with Elisha in 2 Kings 8:11, it’s heavy to have foreknowledge of devastation and carnage.

Elisha’s words to his fellow prophet about anointing Jehu as king of Israel are pretty funny: “Call him inside, anoint him king of Israel, and then run like there’s no tomorrow!”

The ministry opportunity for Paul and Silas following the violent earthquake and their release in Acts 16 is exciting. The jailer prompts the question for them, “What must I do to be saved?” (16:30) He and his whole household come to faith in Christ and are baptized. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Paul’s words to the officers in 16:37ff. are a good example of how as Christians we are still called to hold others accountable for their actions rather than just letting them walk all over us. The officials were pretty scared to learn that they had beaten Roman citizens without cause or trial. Finally, I love how Paul & Silas were singing hymns and praising God in prison before the earthquake; and then, immediately upon their release they went to Lydia’s house to encourage the Christians there. These guys were an indomitable source of joy and energy!

I need to look for those times in my life when God does amazing things and use them for His glory evangelistically. Christians are known for artificial, contrived, and awkward attempts at sharing their faith. And, it’s really unfortunate because God gives us so many natural opportunities in the course of our day and life.


“Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities You bring my way each day. May I be tuned-in enough to world events and people’s lives to be sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit.”


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